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About Us

UK Tabletop Games Retreat

As part of their Masters Major Project, Berit and Karin are required to create and run an event. 

They decided that too many people are busy and need to take time to enjoy the things we love in life. Karin is an avid board game fan and decided that a retreat that would allow guests to play games all weekend in an immersive environment would be ideal to tackle such busy-ness.

Karin has loved board games since she was a young age, with her favourite game being The White Unicorn. These days, she loves role play games, such as The One Ring and Triumvene. She would normally play casters in any sort of game, however she often ends up playing sneaky classes or healers. A favoured character of hers was a Dragonborn Paladin. Her taste in board and card games is often labelled as party games, such as werewolf, exploding kittens, bad medicine and munchkin.  She has a real love for board games, inspiring her to use her Masters Project as an excuse to run a tabletop game event.

Berit loves the nostalgic feeling that board games evoke for many people. She fondly remembers playing Ludo when she was younger and that is why the event will have a section for fondly remembered games. She wanted to branch out and create something ambitious that she could remember fondly, a dream they are making possible with this event.


This event will make our dream of obtaining a masters come true, along with running a successful event.

Your support means the world to us and we thank you for it.

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